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Blog — Young People Friendly

Mermaids Press

On Tuesday 10 May, the State Opening of Parliament takes place, and we’ll be watching to find out if the Government plans to keep its promise and ban conversion practices after years of delays. But why is the Queen involved? Who on earth is Black Rod? And what happens if the Government don’t #KeepTransInTheBan? Read on to find out more.  What is the State Opening of Parliament?  The State Opening of Parliament, also known as the Queen’s Speech, is a ceremonial event marking the start of the parliamentary year.  An extravagant affair, it usually begins with a procession from Buckingham…

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Conversion ‘therapy’ or practices are any kind of treatment or psychological therapy that aims to suppress, “cure” or change sexual orientation and/or gender identity. For example, gay to straight, transgender to cisgender.

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Mermaids Press

On the 4th of April 2022, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (‘EHRC’) published its guidance on single-sex spaces. We have received a lot of questions around your rights as young, trans people following this guidance being published. This helpsheet is something you can refer to, to understand what the guidance means and what your rights are in single sex spaces. Mermaids exists to support trans, non-binary and gender-diverse children, young people and their families. If you or someone you know needs support, please reach out to our support line, we are here for you: 0808 801 0400.  Please note this help sheet…

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As the weather gets warmer, people wearing binders need to be careful in the heat. We’ve put together a few tips to help you stay safe and comfortable. 1.      You shouldn’t wear your binder for more than 8 hours, but when the weather is warmer, it’s a good idea to wear your binder for as little time as possible. As we’re spending more time indoors, try only wearing your binder when you go out. 2.      Staying hydrated has never been more important. When wearing your binder in warm weather you will sweat more than usual. It’s…

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