We know that many of you may be feeling anxious or upset by the UK Government’s absurd draft schools’ guidance published this week.
You are not alone in this feeling, and we want to reassure and remind you:
The guidance is only a draft and will be out for consultation until March 2024
In the New Year, we will do everything in our power to make sure any final guidance is supportive of trans children and young people. We’ll also share with you ways that you can get involved in making change. All trans students deserve to be accepted and supported; we will never stop working towards this.
Teachers and schools can disregard the draft guidance
The guidance is in draft and open for change through the consultation process, meaning schools and colleges do not need to pre-emptively apply it.
We have spoken to many teachers who will be paying the draft guidance no attention, and will continue to support their trans students in every way possible.
There are so many educators who care about having robust guidance that supports their trans students and a lot of great resources that supportive teachers and schools can draw on, including Brighton and Hove’s Trans Inclusion Schools Toolkit, the Scottish Government’s Transgender Schools Guidance, NSPCC’s Safeguarding LGBTQ+ children and young people page, and Good Law Project’s Legal Advice.
Remember, we’re in your corner
If you need support, we are here for you on 0808 801 0400 and via email and webchat, 9am-9pm, Monday to Friday.
Note that our support line will be closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day. The support line will be open from 9.30am-4.30pm on 27-29 December, and on New Year’s Day.
If you are in need of support outside of our opening hours this festive period, please consider contacting one of the following support lines:
Samaritans: 116 123
Childline: 0800 1111 – Childline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 18 and under.
Switchboard LGBT+: 0800 0119 100. A safe space for anyone to discuss anything, including sexuality, gender identity, sexual health and emotional well-being. Open 10am – 10pm every day, 365 days a year.
Look after yourselves this festive season. If the news is feeling too much, take a screen break and try to do something that makes you feel good. We love a hot drink and a winter walk to clear our heads.
In the New Year, we will make change together. But for now, remember that there are thousands of allies out there who have your back. In fact, they have been sending us dozens of messages of support for you:
“Do not ever give up on yourself. Only you know what is best for your mind, body and soul and as many barriers that are put in front of you, you have to believe that you have the strength to smash through them all.”
“There is already far more acceptance and love out there than the media would suggest – that acceptance and love will grow. Never give up hope. Stay strong.”
“Being trans should be a life worth celebrating.”
“You were born to be you. You have the right to live your life, and you will get there.”
“You are absolutely valid, loved and valued for being you. Keep being yourself, never compromise your own identity to keep others happy. You are enough!”
“This world is a better place with you in it and you are not alone.”
“Be you, be the best you that you can be, however you choose to do it. Love yourself as you are.”
“Stay strong and be true to yourself. Even if a lot of us can’t be seen, we stand behind you in support.”