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Mermaids Press

Rishi Sunak’s shameful and heartless comment today (Wednesday 7 February) at Prime Minister’s Questions demonstrates just how little his Government thinks of trans young people and the important people in their lives.  Words spoken in Parliament have real-world consequences for people like the late Brianna Ghey, and so to have made a joke like this, in front of her mother who was invited there, is just downright cruel.  Trans young people need their politicians to build supportive school environments, to fix our broken NHS and to protect them from violence. They are tired of being spoken about, rather than listened…

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Mermaids Press

Content Note: these proposals are upsetting and scary for our community, particularly those with lived experience of transphobia in school. Please take care when reading.  The Government is consulting on its proposed trans guidance for schools and colleges in England, closing on Tuesday 12 March.  All young people deserve an accepting and supportive school environment to learn and be their authentic selves. Not only would this guidance make schools unsafe for trans children and young people, it actively seeks to deny their existence. At no point does the guidance offer any advice on how to include and support trans young…

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Mermaids Press

We know that many of you may be feeling anxious or upset by the UK Government’s absurd draft schools’ guidance published this week. You are not alone in this feeling, and we want to reassure and remind you: The guidance is only a draft and will be out for consultation until March 2024 In the New Year, we will do everything in our power to make sure any final guidance is supportive of trans children and young people. We’ll also share with you ways that you can get involved in making change. All trans students deserve to be accepted and supported;…

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Mermaids Press

All young people deserve an accepting and supportive school environment to learn and be their authentic selves. The UK Government’s draft trans guidance for schools in England seeks to prevent that. Its approach is unworkable, out of touch and absurd.  Rather than listening to trans young people and reflecting best practice of inclusive educators across the UK, the Government has created more confusion for schools and is putting young people at risk. It is difficult to understand how aspects of this draft guidance, including automatically excluding trans pupils from facilities, sport bans or allowing students to be misgendered are compatible…

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Mermaids Press

Cameron (they/them) reflects on their second Family Day as a volunteer with Mermaids. It’s the night before my second Mermaids’ Family Day. I am sitting snug on a couch with a cup of tea and some trifle, watching the Barbie movie with another Mermaids volunteer, her partner and their dogs. It seems unthinkable at this point that I had only met these people for the first time just a few hours earlier. It felt like I was reconnecting with some old friends, or that despite never having actually met before, we had always been connected in some way.  This feeling…

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Mermaids Press

Johanna (she/her) reflects on how a quiet act of allyship from her favourite teacher made a world of difference to her while she was closeted at school. Quiet support at school made a world of difference to me as a closeted trans teenager. I was 17, aware that I was not cisgender, and absolutely terrified. Although I felt unable to truly come out, I still experimented with my gender expression, namely by maintaining long hair and painted nails. In my sixth and final year of high school I took Advanced Higher Drama and began to show a keen interest in…

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Mermaids Press

On 25 November 2022 we announced that Susie Green had left Mermaids. Following this, various media outlets reported that Susie has resigned from the organisation due to issues in relation to her leadership of the organisation. This was not correct and this false speculation has been upsetting to Susie, who has been involved with Mermaids for many years. We regret that we did not address this speculation at the time and are sorry for any negative impact this reporting has had on Susie and her family. Throughout her time with the organisation Susie has shown hard work, passion and commitment…

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Mermaids Press

In the last week, senior Conservatives, including the Prime Minister, have used their Party Conference to distract from the real social, economic and environmental issues faced by everyone in the UK by repeatedly sharing transphobic rhetoric and undermining the existence and rights of the trans community. Nothing that has been said is a change to the law, or to the rights of our community, but these statements further legitimise the harassment which many trans young people and their families experience every day in the media, at home, at work, school and online. Trans young people and their families are asking…

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Mermaids Press

At Mermaids, we are committed to using our social media platforms to support our charitable aims to embrace and empower trans young people and their families, and educate the wider public on the issues they face. We believe that as a platform, X, formerly known as Twitter, no longer supports these aims.  For some time now, it has been clear that our values as an organisation are at odds with X, as the platform’s guidelines and company ethics do not encourage a safe, healthy or inclusive environment for our community to engage with us in. For these reasons, we have…

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Mermaids Press

Mermaids’ Policy team looks at recent changes to the EHRC’s technical guidance for how schools should implement the Equality Act, and what it might mean for trans youth. What have the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) said? The EHRC have recently made changes to their technical guidance for how schools in England should implement the Equality Act 2010.  Robin Moira White, a barrister specialising in discrimination, has disputed its interpretation of existing equalities law.  It is important to note that the law has not changed, nor is this the long-awaited trans schools guidance promised by the UK Government. In…

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