The Cass Review has been launched in order to investigate the NHS’s provision for children and young people looking to access gender identity related healthcare. Dr Hilary Cass was appointed in late 2020 to chair this independent review by the NHS. The Review will take around 12 months to complete.
Dr Cass has confirmed that this review will be listening to the lived experiences of children, families and clinicians who are involved in gender identity related healthcare. We welcome this news that transgender, non-binary and gender diverse children and young people and their families will be consulted throughout the process and their needs and experiences will be centred.
Mermaids reached out to Dr Cass regarding the review to feedback our service user concerns and experiences. We have since met with the team and are following the process carefully.
The Review will shortly be asking people who wish to participate to register their interest in sharing their experiences. We encourage all of our service users with experience of gender identity related healthcare to register if they feel able to and in particular to share how the recent NHS England policies have affected their ability to access healthcare.