We are incredibly disappointed by yesterday’s High Court judgement to uphold the decision to restrict the prescription of puberty blockers for trans young people.
The ban, which was brought into place under the previous Conservative Health Secretary, will expire on 2 September 2024 and there must be a consultation process if the Government wishes to make it permanent.
We strongly believe that the Health Secretary must now listen to trans young people. This includes recognising the harm that outright bans have, and continue to cause, and making sure harm reduction measures are in place to support the children and young people affected.
In particular, we wish to draw attention to the judge’s concern for young people who had been prescribed puberty blockers prior to the ban, who risk being left without support and are particularly vulnerable.
The Health Secretary must immediately publish a plan that ensures these young people have timely access to holistic, supportive care, including to gender affirming hormones if they so wish.
We are concerned that the judge’s decision relied heavily on findings from the Cass Review, which has been subject to significant criticism and contestation in the scientific community since its publication.
We published our critique of the review earlier this year, and we remain committed to campaigning for access to timely, supportive and holistic healthcare, free at the point of use, for all trans young people who need it.
Please consider donating to our urgent appeal to support this work and ensure we can continue campaigning for a better world to grow up trans.
We recognise that this news will be distressing for many trans young people, and their loved ones. If you need support, please contact our helpline. We’re here for you Monday to Friday, 9am-9pm.