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Blog — Healthcare

Mermaids Press

We are devastated for young people in the USA following the executive order that seeks to ban gender affirming care for under 19s. Right across the globe, extremist politicians are trying to deny trans youth the right to freely express themselves, despite clear evidence of the benefits of gender affirming care. We stand in full solidarity with the young people and their loved ones affected by these measures. This order reminds us that the right to healthcare is hard won but easily taken away. We will support our international partners who stand resolutely against the global anti-gender movement and continue…

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Mermaids Press

This week, research was published into the experiences of nearly 4000 trans young people who spoke to their GP about wanting transition between 2011 and 2021.  The study looked at everyone under 18 years old where their GP had recorded that they were experiencing gender dysphoria or gender incongruence.   Long waiting lists meant that many young people who wanted to transition were never seen by the now-closed specialist Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS).   This research is so important because previous studies on trans young people have not captured outcomes for all trans young people who had approached their GP…

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Mermaids Press

Statement from our Chair of Trustees, Kathryn Downs  We are relieved that the Charity Commission Inquiry which began nearly two years ago is finally over. The report states, as we anticipated, that there is no finding of misconduct at Mermaids.  The Commission has also confirmed, as we have repeatedly asserted, that we have not provided medical advice or acted improperly in our work with children, young people and their families.    We want to thank all our staff, volunteers and generous supporters who have ensured we have continued to provide high quality support and advocacy to trans young people, maintaining our…

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Mermaids Press

We are incredibly disappointed by yesterday’s High Court judgement to uphold the decision to restrict the prescription of puberty blockers for trans young people.  The ban, which was brought into place under the previous Conservative Health Secretary, will expire on 2 September 2024 and there must be a consultation process if the Government wishes to make it permanent. We strongly believe that the Health Secretary must now listen to trans young people. This includes recognising the harm that outright bans have, and continue to cause, and making sure harm reduction measures are in place to support the children and young…

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Mermaids Press

On 29 May 2024, the Government introduced two pieces of regulation which restrict how trans children and young people under 18 years old can access some medications (GnRH analogues) which delay the effects of puberty as a result of a diagnosis of gender incongruence or gender dysphoria. These medicines consist of or contain buserelin, gonadorelin, goserelin, leuprorelin acetate, nafarelin or triptorelin. We will call these GnRH analogues throughout this information to prevent confusion with other medications.  This legislation applies in England, Wales and Scotland.  Following the Government’s announcement, NHS England wrote to the parents and guardians of all young people…

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Mermaids Press

Everyone deserves timely access to holistic, high-quality healthcare and to be treated with dignity, privacy and respect throughout their treatment and care.  This includes trans, non-binary and intersex people who already face significant barriers and inequality when accessing NHS care.The consultation closes on 25th June 2024, and will inform changes to the NHS Constitution that will be in place until 2035.  We have concerns about some of the changes proposed, particularly those likely to impact trans patients and healthcare professionals.  In the meantime, we’d like to remind everyone that these proposals are under consultation, and will not change how NHS…

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Mermaids Press

What is the Cass Review? In 2020, NHS England launched an independent review of children and young people’s gender services in England, led by Dr Hilary Cass. The review had a massive scope, including: They also commissioned a set of research from the University of York. Mermaids has regularly engaged with Dr Cass, most importantly through platforming trans children and young people’s views directly to the team through a series of focus groups. We have, however, been disappointed with the review’s consistent engagement with groups who deny the existence and legitimacy of trans youth. What did the Interim Report say?…

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Mermaids Press

NHS England has today (12 March 2024) announced that from 1 April they will no longer routinely prescribe puberty blockers. They will be available in the future, but only through a mandatory research trial. This announcement is deeply disappointing, and a further restriction of support offered to trans children and young people through the NHS, which is failing trans youth. There were virtually no first appointments offered in 2023, with ever-growing waiting lists of over five years. Those currently prescribed puberty blockers won’t see any changes to their treatment, and this is a pause on prescribing – not a ban. It’s also…

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