Thank you to everyone who raised money on Sunday. There’s still time to donate and take part!
The #TwoPointSixChallenge is your chance to be a Home Hero and raise funds for Mermaids from your very own living room, bedroom, balcony or garden!
Every year our supporters run marathons, crawl through mud and jump out of planes to raise money for Mermaids work. Since we can’t do that at the moment, the UK’s BIGGEST charity event organisers have come together to create the 2.6 challenge, a nationwide fundraising campaign launched in response to COVID-19 to help Save the UK’s Charities.
How can I get involved?
It’s up to you! All you need to do is fundraise by choosing a challenge related to the numbers 2.6 or 26. Or how about donating £2.60 or even £26 to Mermaids?

Check out the Family Activity Pack for lots of family friendly ideas and colouring in sheets to tell your neighbours that you’re taking part. Click here for the #TwoPointSixChallenge Factsheet.
There are no rules, apart from the Government guidelines on how to exercise safely and maintain social distancing during this time.
Two trusted ways to donate!
Featured Fundrasiers…